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The Fisher King


The Fisher King is an undeniably enigmatic figure; mysterious and eternally difficult to interpret or, indeed, understand. He represents many things to many people.

The stories about the Fisher King are legion and he has appeared in countless myths and legends down the centuries. He is probably best known from the Arthurian romances where he is portrayed as the last in a long line of kings, the hereditary keepers of the Holy Grail.

In his book, The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain, folklorist Lewis Spence, sees Arthur and the Fisher King as one and the same person, synonymous, interchangeable. He also forms an interesting connection between them and the Celtic Salmon of Knowledge who acquired the wisdom of the universe.

In Welsh texts, our hero appears as a derivative of Bran the Blessed, a wounded king of Britain, and this description of him as being injured in the groin, leg or thigh is a common denominator in many accounts of our protagonist.

The Grail King, Anfortas,The Angler, King Pellam, Bron, Le Roi Pècheur, The Once and Future King, call him what you will; Long Dog’s Fisher King can sit his horse without discomfort and probably has more in common with the stories told in The Compleat Angler, Izaac Walton’s seminal book celebrating the art and spirit of fishing, and with my son Mark in particular. My very own Fisher King and the inspiration for this sampler.

Comes to you as a pdf dangling at the end of a fishing rod just waiting to be reeled in when you’re ready to start stitching these charted waters.

  • Area in stitches: 367 x 415
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